Travel Reference
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The Greek-Revival style of this old building, designed in 1833, suggests a Temple of
Money, and the imposing interior design confirms the seriousness with which the re-
public has always treated its currency. The restored Salmon P. Chase Suite and the
Andrew Johnson Office reflect the gravity of official actions during and after the Civil
War. The burglar-proof vault is always a hit with visitors because of the beauty of its
cast-iron walls and its demonstration of the low security needs of a simpler day (for
further details see Treasury Building ) . 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW • Tours cur-
rently only available for citizens and legal residents of the US, by appt only: 202
622 2000
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This unique and graceful building, open only by prior arrangement, houses the oldest
architecture museum in the country. The house was completed in 1801 - one of the
first private residences to be built to Pierre L'Enfant's plan - and provided shelter
to President James Madison and his family while workers were rebuilding the White
House after its destruction during the War of 1812. The exhibitions of the museum
focus especially on the early Federal period of architecture, principally from 1800 to
1830. It was designed by William Thornton, the original architect of the US Capitol,
as a second home for John Tayloe III, a wealthy friend of George Washington.
New York Ave • 202 626 7439 • Tours by appointment only • Dis. access
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