Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8.4 Simplified
representation of a
biotrickling filter system
(Mudliar et al. 2010 )
Fig. 8.5 Simplified
representation of a biofilter
unit that does not utilise
plants (Mudliar et al. 2010 )
indoor air (Guieyesse et al. 2008 ). Due to both the variety of molecular structures
of VOCs, and the general tendency of microorganisms to degrade xenobiotic
materials by consortial activity (e.g. Torpy et al. 2013a ), microbial biofilters must
support a diverse community of microorganisms and expose a large, moist surface
area to maximise the solubilisation of airborne molecules (Beveridge et al. 1997 ).
Apart from natural media, such as plant growth substrates, fixed biofilm reactors
are considered to be probably the most efficacious means of air contaminant
biodegradation (Singh et al. 2006 ).
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