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In this chapter we discuss the challenges and solutions in embedded processing for a
seamless AR user experience in the context of the “always on-always Augmented”
use case.
7.1 Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR)
7.1.1 Definition of Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented Reality (AR) deals with adding virtual content into the real world and
aims to develop new user interfaces that combine the real world and the user inter-
faces in a natural way. AR places the data where it actually belongs—into the real
world, rather than showing information on isolated displays. This allows for the cre-
ation of simple yet intuitive user interfaces for complex use cases. According to the
Reality-virtuality continuum proposed by Milgram [ 14 ] as shown in Fig. 7.1 ,ARis
one possible manifestation of Mixed Reality (MR), which brings together real and
virtual within a single display.
According to the definition provided by Azuma [ 1 ] an AR system has to fulfill
three requirements:
1. Combine the real and virtual
2. Be registered in the real world in 3D
3. Be interactive in real-time.
The first requirement is a fundamental concept of AR, where in it is combined
the real world with virtual content. The second requirement requires that the virtual
content being rendered must be registered in 3D within the real world and thus
separates AR from the more general concepts of mixed Reality. The third and final
requires the system to react to the user and update in real-time, distinguishing AR
from all offline augmentation scenarios.
In this chapter we focus on how AR can be made suitable as a mass-market user
interface and hence we focus on the challenges and possible solutions to make this
happen. We highlight the requirements for AR to be a mass commodity as follows:
Robust Tracking : This is one of the basic requirements of any AR system. The
tracking should be simple, fast, and robust to illumination, jitter, noise, scale, and
rotation which are the important real-world parameters the AR system has to tackle.
Fig. 7.1 Milgram's Reality-virtuality continuum
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