Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Overflow Limit, B ( t )
Cumulative Data
Consumption Function, A ( t )
Schedule, S ( t )
Client Buffer Size
Figure 7.1 A feasible piecewise-smooth transmission schedule for VBR video delivery
The principle of smoothing is work-ahead , i.e., by transmitting data at a bit-rate higher than the
playback bit-rate during periods of lower playback rates. Excess video data are then buffered at
the client side so that the transmission bit-rate can be reduced during periods of high playback
rates by consuming video data from the buffer for playback. Note that smoothing not only
reduces bit-rate variations, but also reduces the peak data rate as well.
Let A ( t ) be the cumulative data consumption function for a video (see Figure 7.1), defined
as the amount of data that needs to be accumulated at the client for playback t seconds after
playback starts. Let S ( t ) be the transmission schedule for the video, defined as the amount of
data transmitted to the client t seconds after playback starts. Ignoring network delay, processing
delay, and interactive playback controls, it is clear that a feasible transmission schedule must
not be lower than A ( t ) for all t so that the client will not run out of video data during playback:
S ( t )
A ( t )
On the other hand, if the client buffer size is limited to, say, b bytes, then the transmission
schedule cannot be too aggressive either, or else client buffer overflow will occur. This buffer
constraint can be represented by a function B ( t ) defined as
B ( t )
A ( t )
and thus to prevent buffer overflow we must ensure that
S ( t )
B ( t )
Together, the two curves A ( t ) and B ( t ) define the feasible region for all feasible transmission
B ( t )
S ( t )
A ( t )
Clearly, there is an infinite number of feasible transmission schedules than can fit within
the feasible region. Thus, one can pick a transmission schedule to optimize various measures
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