Biology Reference
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molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles). At the second level, life
emerges from the matter, and there are sub-levels here, too, which
are superimposed in increasing complexity (animals, plants, multi-
cellular and unicellular organisms). At the third level finally, emerges
the mind, which is only present in Man. All holists support this gen-
eral outline explicitly or implicitly, although with many variations.
Certainly, in explaining emergent evolution, the majority of
them say that they reject the idea of a supernatural power sepa-
rated from matter, such as a God, or vital force that transcends the
laws of physics and chemistry. Yet while they deny the existence of
such a power, all they are really doing is moving it elsewhere,
endowing matter itself with this creative activity.
The naturalistic contention 24 is that, on the evidence, not only atoms
and molecules, but organisms and minds are susceptible of treatment
by scientific methods fundamentally of like kind; that all belong to one
tissue of events; and that all exemplify one foundational plan. In other
words the position is that, in a philosophy based on the procedure sanc-
tioned by progress in scientific research and thought, the advent of
novelty of any kind is loyally to be accepted wherever it is
found, without invoking any extra-natural Power (Force,
Entelechy, Elan, or God) through the efficient Activity of
which the observed facts may be explain ed 25 (EE p. 2).
The efficient Activity which Morgan speaks of here has various
names according to different authors. Alexander (1920) calls it
'nisus'. For Smuts, “ Holism is the term here coined for this funda-
mental factor operative towards the creation of wholes in the uni-
verse ” (HE p. 94). Earlier, Henri Bergson (1859-1941) had called
it 'vital elan' (Bergson, 1907). It is however in every instance
the characteristic mark of these philosophies, including when they
are applied to biology where the creative factor has come to be
called 'self-organisation'.
24 As opposed to that of mechanism.
25 Original text not in bold.
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