Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Simplicity —i BATIS is widely regarded as the simplest persistence framework
Productivity —Concise code and simple configuration reduces the code to 62
percent of the corresponding JDBC code.
Performance —Architectural enhancements like join mapping speed up data
Separation of concerns —i BATIS improves design to ensure future maintain-
Division of labor —i BATIS helps break up the work to allow teams to leverage
Portability —i BATIS can be implemented for any full-featured programming
After our sales pitch, we admitted that i BATIS is not a silver bullet, because no
framework is. We discussed situations where i BATIS would likely not be the ideal
approach. For example, if you have full control over the application and the data-
base now and forever, then a full-blown object relational mapper is probably a bet-
ter choice. On the other hand, if your application works primarily with
dynamically generated SQL code, then raw JDBC is the way to go. We also men-
tioned that i BATIS is primarily designed for relational databases, and if you are
using flat files, XML , Excel spreadsheets, or any other nonrelational technology,
then you're better off with a different API altogether.
Finally, we ended the chapter by discussing the future of i BATIS . The team has
a lot of great design goals for the future, and the Apache Software Foundation
will ensure that there is an energetic community capable of supporting it for
years to come.
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