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of the language. This has been done with a number of languages, including
COBOL , C, and even Java. The following is an example of SQLJ in Java:
String name;
Date hiredate;
#sql {
SELECT emp_name, hire_date
INTO :name, :hiredate
FROM employee
WHERE emp_num = 28959
Inline SQL is quite elegant in that it integrates tightly with the language. Native
language variables can be passed directly to the SQL as parameters, and results
can be selected directly into similar variables. In a sense, the SQL becomes a fea-
ture of the language.
Unfortunately, inline SQL is not widely adopted and has some significant issues
keeping it from gaining any ground. First, SQL is not a standard. There are many
extensions to SQL and each only works with one particular database. This frag-
mentation of the SQL language makes it difficult to implement an inline SQL
parser that is both complete and portable across database platforms. The second
problem with inline SQL is that it is often not implemented as a true language fea-
ture. Instead, a precompiler is used to first translate the inline SQL into proper
code for the given language. This creates problems for tools like integrated devel-
opment environments ( IDE s) that might have to interpret the code to enable
advanced features like syntax highlighting and code completion. Code that con-
tains inline SQL may not even be able to compile without the precompiler, a
dependency that creates concerns around the future maintainability of the code.
One solution to the pains of inline SQL is to remove the SQL from the lan-
guage level, and instead represent it as a data structure (i.e., a string) in the appli-
cation. This approach is commonly known as Dynamic SQL .
Dynamic SQL
Dynamic SQL deals with some of the problems of inline SQL by avoiding the pre-
compiler. Instead, SQL is represented as a string type that can be manipulated just
like any other character data in a modern language. Because the SQL is repre-
sented as a string type, it cannot interact with the language directly like inline SQL
can. Therefore, Dynamic SQL implementations require a robust API for setting
SQL parameters and retrieving the resulting data.
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