Java Reference
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private String description;
private String image;
// simple setters and getters
Now that we have our domain classes set up, let's tackle the presentation bean.
Looking at the CatalogBean presentation class (listing 14.9) will provide our first
glimpse at how the BeanAction functions in the real world. We need to create the
CatalogBean with a viewCategory behavior. The behavior method will use the
BeanAction style behavior signature of public String <behaviorName> () . The
viewCategory behavior is quite simple. Its job is to retrieve a list of products that
are related to the selected category, fully populate the Category object, and then
forward to a view. In the body of our viewCategory method, the productList and
the categoryList are populated by making calls to the CatalogService class. We
will get into the service class later. For now, suffice it to say we'll assume that the
service class will return our objects appropriately.
Listing 14.9
CatalogBean presentation class with properties and viewCategory Behavior
private String categoryId;
private Category category;
private PaginatedList productList;
public String viewCategory() {
if (categoryId != null) {
productList =
category = catalogService.getCategory(categoryId);
return SUCCESS;
// category setter/getter
// productList setter/getter
To get the CatalogBean to compile, we'll create a simple CatalogService interface
in the org.apache.ibatis.jgamestore.service package. We'll add two necessary meth-
ods— public List getProductListByCategory(Integer categoryId) and public
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