Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 14.3
Tiles definition config
<definition name="layout.main" path="/pages/main.jsp" >
<put name="header"
value="/pages/common/header.jsp" />
<put name="footer"
value="/pages/common/footer.jsp" />
<put name="left"
value="/pages/common/left-blank.jsp" />
<definition name="layout.catalog"
extends="layout.main" >
<put name="header"
value="/pages/common/header.jsp" />
<put name="footer"
value="/pages/common/footer.jsp" />
<put name="left"
value="/pages/common/left.jsp" />
<definition name="index.tiles"
extends="layout.catalog" >
<put name="body"
value="/pages/catalog/Main.jsp" />
In tiles-defs.xml there needs to be a layout.main and a layout.catalog defini-
tion before we can define index.tiles . The index.tiles definition extends the
layout.catalog definition, which further extends the layout.main definition.
layout.main defines the base template JSP located at web/pages/main.jsp in the
source tree.
Once we have our main page set up, we need to define a forward to it so that our
index.jsp forward works. Note that we defined the parameter attribute as index in
our action mapping configuration. As a result, the index() method (listing 14.4)
will be called on the catalogBean before being forwarded to /catalog/Main.jsp .
Listing 14.4
Struts config action mapping
<action path="/index"
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