Java Reference
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and generally speaking, using it is a bad practice. But sometimes, you don't have
any choice—and in some cases it may make perfect sense.
Because iBATIS is configured with XML files, the null value replacement is
specified as a String. For example:
<result property="enabled" column="Enabled" nullValue="NO"/>
For that reason, something has to perform the translation into the real type. iBA-
TIS relies on the valueOf() method of the TypeHandlerCallback to do the transla-
tion. In our case, we'd need to translate the value NO into a boolean value of false .
Luckily, doing this is usually very similar to the translation we've already done to
get a result. In fact, in the case of our YesNoTypeHandlerCallback , it is exactly the
same. So the implementation would look like this:
public Object valueOf(String s) {
return yesNoToBoolean(s);
That's it! We've completed our custom type handler. Listing 12.2 contains the
complete source.
Listing 12.2
A TypeHandler
public class YesNoTypeHandlerCallback
implements TypeHandlerCallback {
Contains constants for yes
and no database values
public static final String YES = "YES";
public static final String NO = "NO";
Sets parameters with
our type handler
public void setParameter(
ParameterSetter setter, Object parameter
throws SQLException {
Gets results with our
type handler
public Object getResult(ResultGetter getter)
throws SQLException {
return yesNoToBoolean(getter.getString());
Converts string to our type
public Object valueOf(String s) {
return yesNoToBoolean(s);
Converts string to Boolean
private Boolean yesNoToBoolean(String s) {
if (YES.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
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