Java Reference
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All of the binary dynamic tags share those attributes, and the tags themselves are
listed in table 8.3.
Table 8.3
iBATIS binary dynamic tags
Compares the property attribute with compareProperty or compareValue to
determine if they are equal
Compares the property attribute with compareProperty or compareValue to
determine if they are equal
<isGreaterThan> Determines whether the property attribute is greater than compareProperty or
Determines whether the property attribute is greater than or equal to compare-
Property or compareValue
Determines whether the property attribute is less than compareProperty or
Determines whether the property attribute is less than or equal to compare-
Property or compareValue
Tables are good references but provide lousy examples, so listing 8.4 shows how to
put these tags together.
Listing 8.4
Binary tag example
<select id="getShippingType" parameterClass="Cart"
SELECT * FROM Shipping
<dynamic prepend="WHERE ">
<isGreaterEqual property="weight" compareValue="100">
<isLessThan property="weight" compareValue="100">
In listing 8.4, we create a select statement, and then examine the weight property
to determine which shipping type to use for it—less than 100 means standard
shipping, and greater than or equal to 100 means freight.
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