Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
(that can be acquired with different distance to the
object, orientation, even date) and takes advantage of
free and open-source software. This procedure is capable
of producing a low-cost 3D mapping that can be used for
a wide range of applications in geophysics.
Methodological and technological progresses are evi-
dently expected since ground imagery represents one of
the main emerging fields in remote sensing. In terms
of river management, these approaches are particularly
relevant as they improve our understanding of the mor-
phological processes, helping us to manage the river
environment using an understanding of real-time causes
not only the observed (post flood) consequences. More-
over, the development of web-platforms could provide
easy access to online, remote information, with relevant
advantages in public communication (a picture may be
worth 1000 words from a scientist) and security (e.g.,
development of flood warning systems).
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morphological changes induced by flow and flood pulses in
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signature of vegetation development along a braided river:
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Buffin-Belanger T. and Bergeron 2011. Advances in river ice
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Sedimentology , 56, 421-438.
Buscombe D., Rubin D.M., and Warrick J.A. 2010. A universal
approximation of grain size from images of noncohesive
sediment. Journal of Geophysical Research , 115, F02015.
Butler J.B., Lane S.N., and Chandler J.H. 2001. Automated
extraction of grain size data from gravel surfaces using digital
image processing. Journal of Hydraulic Research , 39, 1-11.
Butler J.B., Lane S.N., Chandler J.H., and Porfiri E. 2002.
Through-water close range digital photogrammetry in
flume and field environments. Photogrammetric Record , 17,
Carbonneau P.E., Lane S.N., and Bergeron N.E. 2003. Cost-
effective nonmetric close-range digital photogrammetry and
its application to a study of coarse gravel river beds. Interna-
tional Journal of Remote Sensing , 24, 2837-2854.
Carbonneau P.E., Lane S.N., and Bergeron N.E. 2004.
Catchment-scale mapping of surface grain size in gravel
bed rivers using airborne digital imagery. Water Resources
Research , 40, W07202.
Carbonneau P.E., Bergeron, N.E., and Lane S.N. 2005. Texture-
based image segmentation applied to the quantification of
superficial sand in salmonid river gravels. Earth Surface Pro-
cesses and Landforms , 30(1), 121-127.
Couper P.R. and Maddock, I.P. 2001. Subaerial river bank ero-
sion processes and their interaction with other bank erosion
mechanisms on the River Arrow, Warwickshire, UK. Earth
Surface Processes and Landforms , 26(6), 631-646.
The authors kindly thank Norbert Landon, Anne Citterio,
Marylise Cottet, Christophe Aloy, Jeremie Riquier who
participate to the field effort and the data production on
the Dr ome, the Ouveze and the Ain Rivers, Jer ome Dube
and Valery Hamel on the rivers of Quebec, and Luca
Zanoni, Martino Salvaro and Matilde Welber for their
help in the Tagliamento river field measurements and
image processing. Stuart Lane and an anonymous referee
provided useful comments and suggestions and helped us
to clarify and improve the chapter.
Adams J. 1979. Gravel size analysis from photographs. Journal
of the Hydraulic Division of the American Society of Civil
Engineering , 105, 1247-1255.
Aloy C. 2005. Origine et conditions de transit de la charge
de fond d'un cours d'eau sub-mediterraneen: le cas de
l'Ouveze (Ardeche) Implications en termes de gestion du
Nature - Societe/Travail
Lyon 2.
Ashmore P. and Sauks E. 2006. Prediction of discharge from
water surface width in a braided river with implications for
at-a-station hydraulic geometry. Water Resources Research , 42,
W03406 1-11.
Ashmore P., Bertoldi W., and Gardner J.T. 2011. Active width
of gravel-bed braided rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Land-
forms , 36, 1510-1521.
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