Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Ospedale Civile ( 041 529 41 11; Campo SS Giovanni e Paolo 6777) Venice's main hospit-
al; for emergency care and dental treatment, ask for pronto soccorso (casualty).
Credit cards Accepted at most hotels, some shops and restaurants.
Money changers At banks, airport and some hotels; official rates at .
Tipping Ten per cent optional for good restaurant, hotel and gondola services.
Travellers cheques Travelex is at the airport and Piazza San Marco 142 ( 041
528 73 58).
Public Holidays
Holidays that may affect opening hours and transit schedules include:
Capodanno/Anno Nuovo (New Year's Day) 1 January
Epifania/Befana (Epiphany) 6 January
Lunedí dell'Angelo (Good Friday) March/April
Pasquetta/Lunedì dell'Angelo (Easter Monday) March/April
Giorno della Liberazione (Liberation Day) 25 April
Festa del Lavoro (Labour Day) 1 May
Festa della Repubblica (Republic Day) 2 June
Ferragosto (Feast of the Assumption) 15 August
Ognissanti (All Saints' Day) 1 November
Immaculata Concezione (Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 8 December
Natale (Christmas Day) 25 December
Festa di Santo Stefano (Boxing Day) 26 December
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