Environmental Engineering Reference
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Table 2 Summary of main variables
Patent count
Absolute number
1990 - 2011
Installed capac-
ity (deployment)
2011 (missing in some
years for some countries)
Notes Patents are measured with the OECD count system, where patents are fractionally allocated
to countries according to the countries of the applicants
Deployment variables all refer to new deployment in a given year which is calculated from the
change in total deployment, therefore data is available for one year less than the entire dataset
To deal with missing data we linearly interpolate the missing data values and we average the last/
rst 3 years in order to ll possible missing at the beginning or end
a For world total
Millions of Euros (2011
prices and exchange rates)
The knowledge stock of each technology is measured as the cumulated sum of
annual patents in the corresponding technology. The deployment stock is the
cumulated sum of deployed technology, measured in MW. We use different dis-
counting factors (0, 5, 10, 20 %) to account for the depreciation of the knowledge
stock and the deployment stock over time. We account for technology spillovers by
considering the impact of patenting and deployment in a given technology on the
other technologies (i.e. patents and deployment in wind are included as control
variables for the analysis in solar.) We also control for patenting and deployment in
a broader range of renewables which includes solar thermal, geothermal, and wave
energy. Country spillovers are taken into account by controlling for the deployment
in the rest of the continent (e.g., one of the factors considered for explaining
German patenting in wind energy is the deployment of wind power in Europe
minus the German deployment). Furthermore, we also control for the deployment in
all other countries weighted by the inverse distance. Here we use different distance
measures, as provided by CEPII 12 (Table 2 ).
Table 3 provides descriptive summary statistics of the variables while Figs. 4 , 5
and 6 plot the values of the key indicators for the EU and the US over the time
period under consideration, 1990
The number of patents claiming a particular priority year (Fig. 4 ) demonstrates a
sharp increase in patenting in wind and solar technologies after 2005. While the EU
and the US claim about the same number of solar patents throughout the sample
period, the EU patents signi
cantly more in wind technologies than the US.
s distances measures: the GeoDist Database CEPII
Working Paper 2011 - 2025 See more at: http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/bdd_modele/presentation.
asp?id=6#sthash.ZE7LKOSm.dpuf .
Thierry and Soledad ( 2011 ) Notes on CEPII
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