Environmental Engineering Reference
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ve sections. Besides the introduction, Sect. 2 describes
the methodology used. Section 3 describes the data used in estimating the direct
rebound effect. Section 4 presents the results obtained. Finally, Sect. 5 interprets the
results and sets out the main conclusions reached.
The chapter comprises
2 Methodology
2.1 The Direct Rebound Effect Theory
Sorrell and Dimitropoulos [ 14 ] describe a household as a system which uses energy
(E), capital, time and other resources to produce a set of services for its members,
such as heating, safety, protection, luxury and others. Such systems are charac-
terised by their energy ef
ciency, i.e. by their ability to transform incoming energy
nal services. The energy ef
, can be de
ned as follows:
E ;
e ¼
ð 1 Þ
where S is the useful work of the system, which is the unit of measurement of the
services produced. It must be pointed out that the same service can have more than
one useful work measurement; for example, residential heating could be measured
in terms of the surface area of the dwelling or the number of individuals to whom
the services provided.
The elasticity of energy consumption with respect to energy ef
ciency, g e ðÞ ;
can be expressed as follows:
g e ðÞ ¼ o E
E :
ð 2 Þ
o e
By substituting ( 1 ) into ( 2 ), one obtains:
g e ðÞ ¼ g e ðÞ
ð 3 Þ
where, g e ðÞ
is the demand ef
ciency elasticity of useful work as well as the term
that de
nes the direct rebound effect. From ( 3 ) it can be observed that if the direct
rebound effect is zero, an increase in energy efciency results in an equivalent
decrease in energy demand.
To determine the sign of the rebound effect, demand costs must be analysed. If the
only signi
cant cost is that of energy then the cost of useful work is de
ned as follows:
e ;
P S ¼
ð 4 Þ
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