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For example, by exciting the wave at all points of the contour of an arbitrary closed
polygon and measuring the time dependence of the area emerging as the contour
moves, one can determine the number of its corners. Later it was shown that the
Blum algorithm is sufficiently effective to perform a number of image processing
In recent years, mathematical foundations and techniques of image processing
have been developed, called “mathematical morphology.” This technique, suitable
for modern digital computers, is being successfully employed for a multitude of
Binary mathematical morphology operates with complex two-dimensional
(in principle, with multidimensional) objects defined in a discrete space with
discrete coordinates (with points being pixels). An object “A” can be viewed as a
set of pixels “a” satisfying the condition:
a property ðÞ¼ TRUE
A ¼
Despite the digital representation of the original data mathematical morphology
operates with images as a whole. Elementary operations in binary mathematical
morphology are dilation and erosion. Herewith the notions of image (object A) and
structural element (object B) are introduced, determining the nature of changes in
the shape of the object and at its borders (Fig. 5.7 ). In general, the operation of
Fig. 5.7 Main operations
of the technique of
mathematical morphology
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