Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 5.5 Scheme of a chemical diode based on the Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium: (a) and (b)
the pulse passes through the hole, (c) the pulse does not pass through the hole
can be formed by intense light radiation projected onto the surface of the medium.
The main options for the passage of a wave through such a system are shown in
Fig. 5.5 . It should be noted that in spite of its extreme simplicity, the developed
technology allows for quickly and accurately changing the geometrical parameters
of the diode and organizing their various combinations.
Control actions can also be complex. If, for example, a film consisting of the
protein bacteriorhodopsin is introduced into the reaction-diffusion medium, local
illumination of the film leads to an increase in hydrogen ion concentration near the
illuminated regions of the film. In turn, local change in the acidity of the medium
can lead to a local change in its condition.
Energy supply of a biomolecular processor must, of course, be chemical. This
means that the environment, working for a long time, should be a continuous flow
chemical reactor. Substrates of the reaction must be continuously fed into it, and
reaction products must be removed. Some Details: Technical Characteristics
of the Reaction-Diffusion Processor
The block diagram of the device and its basic modes of operation are shown in
Fig. 5.6 . For inputting the image into the medium, the SANYO PLC-510M video
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