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Figure 35-12. Execution plan of test query in SQL Server 2012
It is still possible to force batch-mode execution with SQL Server 2012; however, it requires cumbersome query
refactoring with subselects and/or common table expressions. Listing 35-8 shows you how to refactor the test query
by introducing the group by aggregate.
Listing 35-8. Batch-mode execution: Refactoring of test query to utilize batch-mode execution in SQL Server 2012
;with CTE(BranchId, TotalSales)
select BranchId, Sum(Amount)
from dbo.FactSales
group by BranchId
select sum(TotalSales) as TotalSales
from CTE
Figure 35-13 shows the execution plan of the query after refactoring.
Figure 35-13. Execution plan of test query after refactoring in SQL Server 2012
As you can see, query refactoring is not always trivial and requires a deep understanding of SQL Server query
processing. This prevents the widespread adoption of such techniques within the SQL Server 2012 community.
Fortunately, SQL Server 2014 makes query refactoring unnecessary in a large number of cases. Those improvements
alone make upgrading from SQL Server 2012 to 2014 in Data Warehouse environments worth the effort.
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