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In the next group of tests, we will remove the MAXDOP hint, which will allow SQL Server to generate parallel
execution plans. The first test would force SQL Server to use a Clustered Index Scan with the index hint, as shown in
Listing 34-6.
Listing 34-6. Test query: Clustered Index Scan with parallel execution plan
select a.ArticleCode, sum(s.Amount) as [TotalAmount]
dbo.FactSales s with (index = 1) join dbo.DimArticles a on
s.ArticleId = a.ArticleId
group by
Figure 34-10 illustrates the execution plan for the query running in SQL Server 2012. Even though SQL Server
generated a parallel execution plan, it used row-mode execution for all operators.
Figure 34-10. Execution plan with Clustered Index Scan in SQL Server 2012
If you ran the same query in SQL Server 2014, you would see different results, as shown in Figure 34-11 . SQL
Server still used row-mode execution during the Clustered Index Scan ; however, Hash Join and Hash Aggregate
operators are used in batch-mode execution.
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