Database Reference
In-Depth Information
All natively-compiled stored procedures are schema-bound, and they require you to specify the SCHEMABINDING
option. Finally, setting the execution context is a requirement. Natively-compiled stored procedures do not support
the EXECUTE AS CALLER security context and require you to specify EXECUTE AS OWNER , EXECUTE AS USER , or EXECUTE
AS SELF context in the definition.
you can read about execution context at: .
As you have already seen in Listing 33-2, you can specify the required parameters by using the NOT NULL
construct in the parameter's definition. SQL Server raises an error if you do not provide their values at the time of the
stored procedure call.
Finally, it is recommended that you avoid type conversion and do not use named parameters when you call
natively-compiled stored procedures. It is more efficient to use the: exec Proc value [..,value] rather than the
exec Proc @Param=value [..,@Param=value] calling format.
you can detect inefficient parameterization with hekaton_slow_parameter_parsing extended event.
Supported T-SQL Features
Natively-compiled stored procedures support only a limited set of T-SQL constructs. Let's look at the supported
features in different areas.
Control Flow
The following control flow options are supported:
Assigning a value to a variable with the SELECT and SET operators.
TRY / CATCH / THROW ( RAISERROR is not supported). It is recommended that you use a single
TRY / CATCH block for the entire stored procedure for better performance.
It is possible to declare variables as NOT NULL as long as they have an initializer as part of
the DECLARE statement.
The following operators are supported:
Comparison operators, such as = , < , <= , > , >= , <> .
Unary and binary operators, such as + , - , * , / , % . + operators are supported for both
numbers and strings.
Bitwise operators, such as & , | , ~ , ^ .
Logical operators, such as AND , OR , and NOT . However, the OR and NOT operators are not
supported in the WHERE and HAVING clauses of the query.
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