Database Reference
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Listing 33-2. Atomic blocks and transactions: Object creation
create table dbo.MOData
ID int not null
primary key nonclustered
hash with (bucket_count=10),
Value int null
with (memory_optimized=on, durability=schema_only);
insert into dbo.MOData(ID, Value)
values(1,1), (2,2)
create proc dbo.AtomicBlockDemo
@ID1 int not null
,@Value1 bigint not null
,@ID2 int
,@Value2 bigint
with native_compilation , schemabinding, execute as owner
begin atomic
with (transaction isolation level = snapshot, language=N'us_english')
update dbo.MOData set Value = @Value1 where ID = @ID1
if @ID2 is not null
update dbo.MOData set Value = @Value2 where ID = @ID2
At this point, the dbo.MOData table has two rows with values (1,1) and (2,2) . As a first step, let's start the
transaction and call a stored procedure twice, as shown in Listing 33-3.
Listing 33-3. Atomic blocks and transactions: Calling stored procedure
begin tran
exec dbo.AtomicBlockDemo 1, -1, 2, -2
exec dbo.AtomicBlockDemo 1, 0, 2, 999999999999999
The first call of the stored procedure succeeds, while the second call triggers an arithmetic overflow error as
shown below:
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 0, Procedure AtomicBlockDemo, Line 49
Arithmetic overflow error converting bigint to data type int.
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