Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 33
In-Memory OLTP Programmability
This chapter focuses on the programmability aspects of the in-memory OLTP engine in SQL Server. It describes the
process of native compilation, and it provides an overview of the natively-compiled stored procedures and T-SQL
features, which are supported in in-memory OLTP. Finally, it discusses several questions related to the design of new
and the migration of existing systems to the in-memory OLTP architecture.
Native Compilation
As you already know, memory-optimized tables can be accessed from regular T-SQL code using the query interop
engine. This approach is very flexible. As long as you work within the supported feature set, the location of data
is transparent. The code does not need to know, nor does it need to worry about if it works with on-disk or with
memory-optimized tables.
Unfortunately, this flexibility comes at a cost. T-SQL is an interpreted and CPU-intensive language. Even a simple
T-SQL statement requires thousands, and sometimes millions, of CPU instructions to execute. Even though in-memory
data location dramatically speeds up data access and eliminates latching and locking contentions, the overhead of T-SQL
interpretation and execution sets limits the level of performance improvements achievable with in-memory OLTP.
In practice, it is possible to see a 2X-3X system throughput increase when memory-optimized data is accessed
through the interop engine. To improve performance even further, in-memory OLTP utilizes native compilation. As a
first step, it converts any row-data manipulation and access logic into C code, which is compiled into DLLs and loaded
into SQL Server process memory. Those DLLs (one per table) consist of native CPU instructions, and they execute
without any further code interpretation overhead of T-SQL statements.
Consider the simple situation where you need to read the value of a fixed-length column from a data row.
In the case of on-disk tables, SQL Server obtains the starting offset and length of the column from the system catalogs,
and it performs the required manipulations to convert the sequence of bytes to the required data type. With
memory-optimized tables, the DLL already knows what is the column offset and data type. SQL Server can read data
from a pre-defined offset in a row using a pointer of the correct data type without any further overhead involved.
As you can guess, this approach dramatically reduces the number of CPU instructions required for the operation.
On the flip side, this approach brings some limitations. You cannot change the format of a row after the DLL is
generated. The compiled code would not know anything about the changes. This problem is more complicated than it
seems, and simple recompilation of the DLL does not address it.
Again, consider the situation where you need to add another nullable column to a table. This is a metadata-level
operation for on-disk tables, which does not change the data in existing table rows. T-SQL would be able to detect that
column data is not present by analyzing the various data row properties at runtime.
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