Database Reference
In-Depth Information
It is important to note that the transaction maintains a write set , or pointers to rows that have been inserted and
deleted by a transaction. Moreover, in SERIALIZABLE and REPEATABLE READ isolation levels, transactions maintain a
read set of the rows that were read by a transaction. The write set is used to generate transaction log records (more on
this later), while the read set is used to perform REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE rules validation.
When a COMMIT request is issued, the transaction starts the validation phase. First it generates a new Global
Transaction Timestamp value and replaces the TransactionId with this value in all BeginTs and EndTs timestamps in
the rows it modified. Figure 32-20 illustrates this action, assuming that the Global Transaction Timestamp value is 11.
Figure 32-20. Validation phase after BeginTs and EndTs values are replaced
At this moment, the rows modified by transaction become visible to other transactions in the system even
though the transaction has yet to be committed. Other transactions can see uncommitted rows, which leads to a
situation called commit dependency . These transactions would not be blocked at the time when they access those
rows, however, they would not return data to clients nor commit until the original transaction on which they have
a commit dependency would commit itself. If, for some reason, that transaction failed to commit, other dependent
transactions would be rolled back and an error would be generated.
Commit dependency is technically a case of blocking in in-memory OLTP. However, the validation and commit
phases of transactions are relatively short, and that blocking should not be excessive.
After the timestamps in the rows are replaced, the transaction validates the REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE
rules and waits for the commit dependencies to clear. When it is done, the transaction moves to the commit phase,
generates one or more log records, saves them to the transaction log, and completes the transaction.
It is worth noting that the validation phase of the transaction in REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE isolation
levels is longer than in SNAPSHOT transactions due to rules validation.
Do not use REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE isolation levels unless you have a legitimate use-case
for such data consistency.
you can read more about the concurrency model in in-memory OLtP at: .
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