Database Reference
In-Depth Information
TargetData cross apply
TargetData.Data.nodes('/HistogramTarget/Slot') as t(e)
select e.dbid,, e.[Count]
sys.databases d left outer join EventInfo e on
e.DBID = d.database_id
d.database_id > 4
order by
Finally, it is worth noting that this approach can result in false positives by counting the locks acquired by
various maintenance tasks, such as CHECKDB , backups, and other maintenance tasks, as well as by the SQL Server
Management Studio.
Working with the pair_matching Target
The pair_matching target maintains information about unmatched events when a begin event does not have a
corresponding end event, dropping out events from the target when they match. Think of orphaned transactions
where database_transaction_begin events do not have corresponding database_transaction_end events as an
example. Another case is a query timeout when the sql_statement_starting event does not have a corresponding
sql_statement_completed event.
Let's look at the latter example and create an event session, as shown in Listing 28-23. The pair_matching target
requires you to specify matching criteria based on the event data column and/or actions.
Listing 28-23. Creating an event session with a pair_matching target
create event session [Timeouts]
on server
add event
action (sqlserver.session_id)
add event
action (sqlserver.session_id)
add target
begin_event = 'sqlserver.sql_statement_starting'
,begin_matching_columns = 'statement'
,begin_matching_actions = 'sqlserver.session_id'
,end_event = 'sqlserver.sql_statement_completed'
,end_matching_columns = 'statement'
,end_matching_actions = 'sqlserver.session_id'
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