Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The pair_matching target helps you to troubleshoot situations when one of expected
events does not occur for some reason. One such example is troubleshooting orphaned
transactions looking for database_transaction_begin events without the corresponding
database_transaction_end events. The Pair_matching target discards all matching event
pairs, keeping only events that do not match. This is an asynchronous target.
Each target has its own set of properties that need to be configured with event sessions. For example, the
ring_buffer target requires you to specify the amount of memory and/or number of events to keep as well as the
maximum number of occurrences of each event type in the buffer. Listing 28-10 shows you how to examine the
configuration parameters of a target using the event_file target as an example. Figure 28-15 shows the output of
this query.
Listing 28-10. Examining target configuration parameters
, as [Column]
,oc.capabilities_desc as [Capabilities]
sys.dm_xe_packages xp join sys.dm_xe_objects xo on
xp.guid = xo.package_guid
join sys.dm_xe_object_columns oc on
xo.package_guid = oc.object_package_guid and = oc.object_name
(xp.capabilities is null or xp.capabilities & 1 = 0) and
(xo.capabilities is null or xo.capabilities & 1 = 0) and
xo.object_type = 'target' and = 'event_file'
order by
Figure 28-15. Event_ file target configuration settings
You can read more about targets and their configuration settings at:
library/bb630339.aspx . remember that configuration settings vary in different versions of sQL server.
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