Database Reference
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Listing 28-4. Examining global attributes
select as [Package]
, as [Predicate]
sys.dm_xe_packages xp join sys.dm_xe_objects xo on
xp.guid = xo.package_guid
(xp.capabilities is null or xp.capabilities & 1 = 0) and
(xo.capabilities is null or xo.capabilities & 1 = 0) and
xo.object_type = 'pred_source'
order by,
Figure 28-8. Global attributes that can be used in predicates
Predicates can use the basic arithmetic operations and comparison functions provided by the Extended Events
framework. You can examine the list of available functions by using the query shown in Listing 28-5. Figure 28-9
shows the partial output of this query in SQL Server 2012.
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