Database Reference
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Figure 2-18. Nonclustered index usage: Step 1
The second row of the intermediate page indicates that the minimum key value on the page is Boris , although the
index had not been defined as unique and SQL Server does not know if there are other Boris rows stored on the first page.
As a result, it goes to the first leaf page of the index and finds the row with the key value Boris and row-id equal 7 there.
In our case, the nonclustered index does not have any data besides CustomerId and Name , and SQL Server needs to
traverse the clustered index tree and obtain the data from other columns from there. This operation is called Key Lookup .
In the next step shown in Figure 2-19 , SQL Server comes back to the nonclustered index and reads the second page
from the leaf level. It finds another row with the key value Boris and row-id 93712, and it performs key lookup again.
Figure 2-19. Nonclustered index usage: Step 2
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