Database Reference
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SQL Server tracks the cumulative time tasks spend in suspended state for different types of waits and exposes this
through the sys.dm_os_wait_tasks view. This information is collected as of the time of the last SQL Server restart or
since it was cleared with the DBCC SQLPERF('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR) command.
Listing 27-2 shows how to find top wait types in the system, which are the wait types for which workers spent the
most time waiting. It is filtering out some nonessential wait types mainly related to internal SQL Server processes.
Even though it is beneficial to analyze some of them during advanced performance tuning, you rarely focus on them
during the initial stage of system troubleshooting.
Listing 27-2. Detecting top wait types in the system
;with Waits
wait_type, wait_time_ms, waiting_tasks_count,
100. * wait_time_ms / SUM(wait_time_ms) over() as Pct,
row_number() over(order by wait_time_ms desc) AS RowNum
from sys.dm_os_wait_stats with (nolock)
wait_type not in /* Filtering out non-essential system waits */
w1.wait_type as [Wait Type]
,w1.waiting_tasks_count as [Wait Count]
,convert(decimal(12,3), w1.wait_time_ms / 1000.0) as [Wait Time]
,CONVERT(decimal(12,1), w1.wait_time_ms /
w1.waiting_tasks_count) as [Avg Wait Time]
,convert(decimal(6,3), w1.Pct) as [Percent]
,convert(decimal(6,3), sum(w2.Pct)) as [Running Percent]
Waits w1 join Waits w2 on
w2.RowNum <= w1.RowNum
group by
w1.RowNum, w1.wait_type, w1.wait_time_ms, w1.waiting_tasks_count, w1.Pct
sum(w2.Pct) - w1.pct < 95
option (recompile);
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