Database Reference
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mode="X" associatedObjectId="72057594039500800">
<owner id="process3e6a890c8" mode="X"/>
<waiter id="process3e4b29868" mode="S" requestType="wait"/>
<keylock hobtid="72057594039500800" dbid="14"
indexname="PK_Orders" id="lock3e98ba500"
mode="X" associatedObjectId="72057594039500800">
<owner id="process3e4b29868" mode="X"/>
<waiter id="process3e6a890c8" mode="S" requestType="wait"/>
The name of the XML element identifies the type of resource. Keylock , pagelock , and objectlock stand for
the row-level, page and object locks, respectively. You can also see to what objects and indexes those locks belong.
Finally, owner-list and waiter-list nodes provide you information about the processes that own and wait for the
locks as well as the type of locks acquired and requested.
As you have probably already guessed, the next steps are very similar to the blocked process troubleshooting;
that is, you need to pinpoint the queries involved in the deadlock and find out why deadlock occurs. There is one
important factor to consider: in most cases, deadlock involves more than one statement per session running in the
same transaction. The deadlock graph provides you the information about the last statement only—the one that
triggered the deadlock. You can see the signs of the other statements in the resource-list node. It shows you that
processes held exclusive (X) locks on the rows, but it does not tell you about the statements that acquired them. It is
very useful to look at all of the statements involved while analyzing the root cause of the problem.
In our case, when you look at the listing shown in Figure 19-16 , you would see the two statements. The update
statement updates the single row—it acquires and holds exclusive (X) lock there. You can see that both processes own
those exclusive (X) locks in the resource-list node of the deadlock graph.
In the next step, you need to understand why select queries are trying to obtain shared (S) locks on the rows with
exclusive (X) locks held. You can look at the execution plans for select statements from the process nodes by either
running the queries or by using sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV, as shown in Figure 18-5 in the previous chapter.
As a result, we will get the execution plans shown in Figure 19-18 . The figure also shows the number of the locks
acquired during the query execution.
Figure 19-18. Execution plan for the query
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