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In some cases, in a read committed transaction isolation level, sQL server can hold shared (s) locks for the
duration of SELECT statement rather than release them immediately after a row is read.
In repeatable read transaction isolation level readers acquire (S) locks and hold them until the end of the
transaction, as shown in Figure 17-7 . This prevents other sessions from modifying the rows that were read because of
the shared (S) locks held on them. As with a read committed transaction isolation level, readers are not able to access
uncommitted data modified by other sessions.
Figure 17-7. Repeatable read and shared lock behavior
The serializable isolation level works pretty much the same way with repeatable read but instead of using
individual row- level locks it uses key- range locks (both shared and exclusive). Range locks protect the key range
intervals rather than individual rows. We can see this behavior in Figure 17-8 .
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