Database Reference
In-Depth Information
create unique index IDX_Customers_Name
on dbo.Customers(CustomerName)
create proc dbo.SearchCustomerByName
@CustomerName varchar(64)
select CustomerId, CustomerName, PlaceHolder
from dbo.Customers
where CustomerName = @CustomerName
exec sp_executesql
@SQL =
N'select CustomerId, CustomerName, PlaceHolder
from dbo.Customers
where CustomerName = @CustomerName'
,@Params = N'@CustomerName nvarchar(64)'
,@CustomerName = N'Customer';
exec sp_executesql
@SQL = N'exec dbo.SearchCustomerByName @CustomerName'
,@Params = N'@CustomerName nvarchar(64)'
,@CustomerName = N'Customer';
As you can see in Figure 16-2 , dynamic SQL generates the plan with a Clustered Index Scan, implicitly converting
the CustomerName value from every row to nvarchar . A stored procedure, on the other hand, performs that conversion
at the initial assignment of parameter values and generates a much more efficient execution plan with the
Index Seek operation.
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