Database Reference
In-Depth Information
When to Partition?
Database professionals often assume that data partitioning is required only for very large databases (VLDB). Even
though database size definitely matters, it is hardly the only factor to consider.
Service-level agreements (SLA) are one of the key elements in the decision to partition or not. When a system has
an availability-based SLA clause, data partitioning becomes essential. The duration of possible downtime depends on
how quickly you can recover a database and restore it from a backup after disaster. That time depends on the total size
of the essential filegroups that need to be online for the system to be functional. Data partitioning is the only approach
that allows you to separate data between different filegroups and use a piecemeal restore to minimize downtime.
A performance-based SLA clause is another important factor. Data partitioning can help address some of the
challenges of performance tuning. For example, by partitioning data between multiple tables, you will improve the
accuracy of statistics and you can use different indexing strategies for historical and operational data. Moreover, data
partitioning allows you to implement a tiered storage approach and put the operational part of the data on faster disks,
which improves the performance of the system. We will discuss tiered storage in greater detail later in the chapter.
The key point to remember is that you should not rely on database size as the only criteria for partitioning.
Consider data partitioning merely to be a tool that helps you address some of the challenges. This tool can be useful
regardless of database size.
Nevertheless, data partitioning comes at a cost. It changes the execution plans of queries and often requires
code refactoring. You need to keep this in mind, especially in the case of new development. When you expect a
system to collect a large amount of data in the future, it is often better to implement data partitioning at a very early
development stage. Even though data partitioning introduces development overhead, such overhead may be much
smaller than that which is involved in code refactoring and the retesting of the production system with large amounts
of data.
the cost of data partitioning is especially important for independent software vendors (iSV) who are deploying a
system to a large number of customers. it is a mistake to assume that data partitioning can be implemented transparently
to the client applications. even though table partitioning does not require any code changes, it affects execution plans and
can lead to performance issues, which requires code refactoring and, therefore, a separate code base to support.
Finally, it is often very hard if not impossible to partition the data while keeping the database online and available
to users. Moving large amounts of data around can be time consuming and can lead to long downtimes. This is
another argument for implementing data partitioning during the initial stage of development.
Data Partitioning Techniques
There are two data partitioning techniques available in SQL Server: partitioned tables and partitioned views . Let's look
at them in detail.
in this chapter, we will use an order entry system, which stores order information for two and a half years, as
our example. Let's assume that we want to partition the data on a monthly basis and that our operational period consists
of two months: May and June 2014.
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