Database Reference
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Listing 13-17. String concatenation: T-SQL implementation
-- Using SQL Variable
@V nvarchar(max) = N''
select @V = @V + convert(nvarchar(32), Num) + ','
from dbo.Numbers
where Num <= @MaxNum
-- removing trailing comma
select @V = case when @V = '' then '' else left(@V,len(@V) - 1) end
select case when Result is null then '' else left(Result,len(Result) - 1) end
select Num as [text()], ',' as [text()]
from dbo.Numbers
where Num <= @MaxNum
for xml path('')
) as Result
) r
Table 13-6 shows the average execution time when we concatenate different numbers of rows.
Table 13-6. String concatenation: Execution time
CLR Aggregate
SQL Variable
1,000 rows
3 ms
1 ms
>1 ms
10,000 rows
12 ms
129 ms
3 ms
25,000 rows
33 ms
840 ms
6 ms
50,000 rows
63 ms
37,182 ms
21 ms
100,000 rows
146 ms
535,040 ms
43 ms
As you see, CLR aggregate has a slightly higher startup cost when compared to the T-SQL variable approach,
although that quickly disappears on larger rowsets. The performance of both the CLR aggregate and FOR XML PATH
methods linearly depend on the number of rows while the performance of the SQL Variable approach degrades
exponentially. SQL Server needs to initiate the new instance of the string every time it concatenates the new value,
and it does not work efficiently especially when string becomes large. Finally, the FOR XML PATH approach is the most
efficient regardless of the number of the rows concatenated.
The key point is that you always need to look at the options to replace imperative code with declarative set-based
logic. While CLR usually outperforms imperative T-SQL code, set-based logic outperforms both of them.
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