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2 * asin(
power(sin((FromLatR - ToLatR) / 2.), 2) +
cos(FromLatR) *
cos(ToLatR) *
power(sin((FromLonR - ToLonR) / 2.0),2)
) * 20001600. / pi() as Distance
from Rads
When we compare the results of the calculations for 262,144 rows, as shown in Table 13-3 , we see that CLR UDF
performs almost two times faster compared to the inline table-valued function and more than five times faster when
compared to T-SQL scalar UDF.
Table 13-3. Calculating distance between two points: Execution time
TSQL Inline Table-Valued function
347 ms
1,955 ms
721 ms
Now let's look at data access performance. The first test compares the execution time of the separate DML
statements from the T-SQL and CLR stored procedures. In this test, we create the procedures that calculate the
number of the rows in the dbo.Numbers table for a specific range of numbers. The T-SQL and CLR implementations
are shown in Listings 13-12 and 13-13 respectively.
Listing 13-12. Data access performance: T-SQL procedure (individual statements)
create proc dbo.ExistInInterval
@MinNum int
,@MaxNum int
,@RowCount int output
set nocount on
set @RowCount = 0
while @MinNum <= @MaxNum
if exists
select *
from dbo.Numbers
where Num = @MinNum
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