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OPENXML is another way of dealing with XML data in SQL Server. It utilizes the MSXML parser ( Msxmlsql.dll ), and
it keeps documents in memory cache, which can utilize up to one-eighth of SQL Server memory.
All XML documents needs to be parsed individually using the sp_xml_preparedocument stored procedure.
As a result, you cannot use OPENXML to process XML data from multiple table rows. For single XML documents,
OPENXML outperforms XQuery, although OPENXML's memory usage pattern makes it a dangerous choice. You can
lose a large amount of SQL Server memory if your code does not remove documents from cache by using the
sp_xml_removedocument stored procedure. I suggest avoiding OPENXML unless the performance of XQuery is
insufficient for the task to be performed. For more information about OPENXML, read this article: .
You can retrieve the results of the SELECT query in XML format by using the FOR XML clause. There are four modes that
control the shape of the generated XML: RAW , AUTO , EXPLICIT , and PATH . I recommend that you use the PATH mode
when you need to generate XML for a complex shape. The code shown in Listing 11-19 demonstrates using FOR XML
PATH to accomplish this.
Listing 11-19. Using the FOR XML PATH
@Orders table
OrderId int not null primary key,
CustomerId int not null,
OrderNum varchar(32) not null,
OrderDate date not null
@OrderLineItems table
OrderId int not null,
ArticleId int not null,
Quantity int not null,
Price float not null,
primary key(OrderId, ArticleId)
insert into @Orders(OrderId, CustomerId, OrderNum, OrderDate)
insert into @OrderLineItems(OrderId, ArticleId, Quantity, Price)
(42,250,3,9.99), (42,404,1,19.99),
(54,15,1,14.99), (54,121,2,6.99)
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