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update dbo.Positions set Address = N'Position address';
select index_level, page_count, avg_page_space_used_in_percent, avg_fragmentation_in_percent
from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),OBJECT_ID(N'Positions'),1,null,'DETAILED')
Even though you update the address information during post-processing, it did not increase the size of the data
rows. As a result, there is no fragmentation in the table, as shown in Figure 5-6 .
Figure 5-6. Fragmentation when address has been pre-populated with 16 space characters during the insert stage
Unfortunately, in some cases you cannot pre-populate some of the columns in the insert stage because of the
business or functional requirements of the system. As a workaround, you can create a variable-length column in the
table and use it as the placeholder to reserve the space. Listing 5-7 shows such an approach.
Listing 5-7. Patterns that lead to fragmentation: Using a placeholder column to reserve the space
drop table dbo.Positions
create table dbo.Positions
DeviceId int not null,
ATime datetime2(0) not null,
Latitude decimal(9,6) not null,
Longitude decimal(9,6) not null,
Address nvarchar(200) null,
Placeholder char(100) null,
Dummy varbinary(32)
;with N1(C) as (select 0 union all select 0) -- 2 rows
,N2(C) as (select 0 from N1 as T1 cross join N1 as T2) -- 4 rows
,N3(C) as (select 0 from N2 as T1 cross join N2 as T2) -- 16 rows
,N4(C) as (select 0 from N3 as T1 cross join N3 as T2) -- 256 rows
,N5(C) as (select 0 from N4 as T1 cross join N4 as T2) -- 65,536 rows
,IDs(ID) as (select row_number() over (order by (select NULL)) from N5)
insert into dbo.Positions(DeviceId, ATime, Latitude, Longitude, Dummy)
ID % 100 /*DeviceId*/
,dateadd(minute, -(ID % 657), getutcdate()) /*ATime*/
,0 /*Latitude - just dummy value*/
,0 /*Longitude - just dummy value*/
,convert(varbinary(32),replicate('0',32)) /*Dummy column to reserve the space*/
from IDs;
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