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non-leisure related reasons and how the China
outbound market develops generally, as the
Chinese middle class become more experienced
travellers and consumers. These factors may
have an infl uence on what is desired in the
future by such tourists. Tastes may develop in a
similar direction to those of Hong Kong Chi-
nese, who are more comfortable with postcolo-
nial Hong Kong designer brands, such as G.O.D.
and Shanghai Tang, which are local/Asian
brands with Western marketing infl uences.
Alternatively, as the mainland Chinese out-
bound tourist market develops, it could be infl u-
enced by other countries' marketing in the
region. Japanese and Korean luxury fashion
brands could also become more popular with
the younger Chinese market. Marketers of shop-
ping malls with predominantly Western brands
and the shops themselves will have to be aware
of these trends too and others as China travels.
In the meantime, most Chinese mainland
tourists are still likely to be very interested in
(genuine) Western-made watches!
Thanks should be accorded to Chin Ee Ong fi rst
for his assistance in translating and locating
relevant travel blogs and signboards for this
project. Also I would like to thank my Hong
Kong colleagues, Euphemia Chow and Ceda
Leung, who assisted me in devising a checklist
for identifying mainlander tourists, so I could be
sure I was observing the right people discreetly.
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