Geology Reference
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that take place in it, it is the number of moles of each
major solute present that matters, rather than the
weight. Dividing the concentration C of each com-
pound in the solution (expressed in g dm −3 ) by its rela-
tive molecular mass M r gives the molarity , c :
therefore 1 mole of Mg 2 SiO 4 will weigh 140.71 g. The
RMM of fayalite is (2 × 55.85) + 28.09 + (4 × 16.00) = 203.79.
Thus 100 g of the olivine will contain:
(a) 65.0 g of Mg 2 SiO 4 = 65.0/140.71 = 0.4619 moles
Mg 2 SiO 4 ;
(b) 35.0 g of Fe 2 SiO 4 = 35.0/203.79 = 0.1717 moles Fe 2 SiO 4 .
r moldm 3
Aqueous geochemists measure solute concentrations
using a slightly different quantity called the molality ,
m . The molality m i of species i in an aqueous solution is
the number of moles of i per kilogram of water (solvent,
not solution). There are sound practical and thermody-
namic reasons, however, for expressing molality in a
dimensionless form (one in which the units of meas-
urement cancel out). For this purpose we use the activ-
ity a i , which for dilute solutions is numerically equal
to the molality:
The mole fraction of Mg 2 SiO 4 in this olivine is
0 4619
0 4619 0 1717
0 729
. 0
Likewise the mole fraction of Fe 2 SiO 4 in the olivine is:
0 1717
0 4619 0 1717
X Fe SiO
= /
where m o represents what is called the standard molal-
ity, equal to 1 mol kg −1 . This artifice removes the neces-
sity of associating units with complex formulae like
Equation 4.11.
In this case, checking whether the mole fractions add
up to 1.0000 is a useful way to confirm that no arith-
metical error has been made. Note that a mole fraction
is a dimensionless number .
In geology, one often deals with heterogeneous reac-
tions between aqueous solutions and solid or gaseous
phases. The concentration of a component in a solid
phase can be expressed in a variety of ways, such as
the mass percentage of each element, or the mass per-
centage of the oxide of each element (Box  8.4). When
considering equilibrium between solids and solutions,
however, we want to express solid compositions in
molar terms, of which mole fraction ( X ) is the most
commonly used form.
Consider a sample of olivine that has been found
to  contain 65.0% by mass of Mg 2 SiO 4 (the forsterite
end-member) and 35.0% of Fe 2 SiO 4 (the fayalite end-
member). To calculate the mole fractions of these com-
ponents (assuming no other components are present),
one must first establish their relative molecular masses
M r from the following relative atomic masses :
A gas is a high- entropy state of matter that expands to
fill the volume available (Box 1.3). The concentrations
of individual gaseous species in a gas mixture can be
expressed in three alternative ways:
mole fraction X i , expressed either as a fraction of
1.0000 as above for solids, or in molar ppm (moles of
component i per 10 6 moles of gas mixture);
• volume per cent (Figure 9.3) or parts per million by
volume (ppmv = number of m 3 of pure gas i present
in 10 6 m 3 of the gas mixture);
• the partial pressure p i of component i present in the
gas mixture (in Pa - see Appendix D).
These three measures are related through the Ideal
Gas Law :
24 31
28 09
55 85
16 00
The relative molecular mass (RMM) of forsterite is
where P is the pressure exerted by the gas mixture on
the walls of its container, V is the volume of the
(2 × 24.31) + 28.09 + (4 × 16.00) = 140.71,
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