Geology Reference
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(despite their scatter) a level distribution broadly lying
within the range of present-day carbonate sediments.
There were two intervals of Earth history, however,
when marine carbonate isotope compositions under-
went wild excursions - both positive and negative -
from this steady-state trend. Each episode is believed to
represent an explosion of photosynthesis, when a
blooming of biota across the globe drew down a signif-
icant proportion of the atmosphere's CO 2 and, upon
death, these organisms deposited their remains as
reduced carbon in sediments accumulating on the ocean
floor. This 'organic carbon' locked up in sedimentary
rocks has the distinctive negative δ 13 C values that are
the fingerprint of Rubisco's role in photosynthesis and
its preference for 12 C. The removal of this negative δ 13 C
carbon left the complementary atmospheric CO 2 reser-
voir enriched in 13 C during these episodes, and by
exchange with the oceans this led to the deposition
of  the high-δ 13 C carbonate sediments shown in
Figure 10.13.
The older of these two excursions - at the beginning
of the Proterozoic eon - marked the first sustained
global appearance of O 2 in the Earth's atmosphere,
which up to this point had consisted only of gases like
H 2 O, CO 2 , CO and H 2 (see Chapter  11). Oxygen's
appearance had profound consequences, and accord-
ingly this first period of δ 13 C excursions is known as
the Great Oxidation Event (Figure 10.13). Although the
atmospheric O 2 concentration generated at this time
was far lower than today's level (Figure  11.8), the
draw-down of CO 2 required to release this photosyn-
thetic oxygen reduced the natural atmospheric 'green-
house effect' sufficiently to bring about major
worldwide glaciations (a phenomenon known loosely
as Snowball Earth ). The wild fluctuations in δ 13 C dur-
ing this episode (Figure  10.13) reflect alternation of
(i) periods in which photosynthesis and organic matter
deposition predominated ( raising atmospheric δ 13 C),
with (ii) colder periods in which collapsing biological
productivity allowed oxidation of organic matter to
exceed the rate of carbon burial, depressing atmospheric
δ 13 C values (Kump et al. , 2011).
The second excursion (between 850 and 500 Ma ago)
coincided with the time when photosynthesizing life
first colonized the land surface towards the end of the
Neoproterozoic era, initiating a steeper growth in
atmospheric O 2 content towards the breathable range
we depend on today (Figure 11.8).
Atmospheric CO 2
' Great oxidation '
Age/Ma BP
Figure 10.13 The δ 13 C record in marine carbonates from the oldest-known rocks to the present day; open symbols signify
samples with less precise ages (uncertainty >50 Ma). The shaded bars on the left indicate the isotopic ranges of present-day
carbon reservoirs; 'pre-industrial' shows the isotope composition of atmospheric CO 2 prior to the industrial revolution.
(Source: Adapted from Shields and Veizer, 2002. Reproduced with permission of the American Geophysical Union.)
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