Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Box 10.1 The nuclide chart
The clearest way to visualize the nuclides, both stable and
radioactive, is to plot their Z values against N values as
shown in Figure  10.1.1 (of which Figure  10.1a forms a
small part).
The stable nuclides (solid circles) lie in a narrow, slightly
curved ribbon. The most abundant light nuclides have
N ≈ Z, but the stable isotopes of heavier elements become
increasingly more neutron-rich ( N ≤ 1.5 Z ). On each side of
the stable-nuclide ribbon lies a band of radioactive
nuclides, most of which are too short-lived to be found in
nature (so are not shown individually in Figure  10.1.1).
Neutron-rich (high- N ) radionuclides lying to the right of the
stable-nuclide ribbon decay by ejecting a high-energy elec-
tron (for historical reasons electrons emitted by nuclei are
called β -particles, and being negatively charged are sym-
bolized β ):
A positron ( β + ) is the antimatter particle equivalent to
the electron, but with a positive charge. Its emission
signals a reaction in the potassium nucleus by which a
proton is transformed into a neutron (Z Z − 1 , N N + 1).
The same transformation can also be accomplished by
capturing an orbital electron. In either case the decay
appears in the nuclide chart as a short 'down-to-the-
right' transverse arrow (see decay of 40 K in the inset in
Figure 10.1.1).
Both β -decay and β + -decay are isobaric reactions,
leaving A unchanged. Isobars - nuclides sharing the
same mass number or A -value - lie on diagonal lines in
Z-N space - see the dashed line in the Sm-Nd inset in
Figure 10.1.1.
The third category of nuclear decay shown in Figure 10.1.1
is the ejection of an alpha-particle α 2+ (consisting of 2
protons + 2 neutrons = 4 He nucleus):
N →+
Loss of the β -particle transforms one neutron in the
nucleus into a proton, increasing Z by one at the expense
of N . Such decays therefore appear in Figure  10.1.1 as
short 'up-to-the-left' transverse arrows, as illustrated by
87 Rb (see inset).
Proton-rich radionuclides on the left of the stable-nuclide
ribbon decay by ejecting a positron:
Such α -decay reactions reduce both Z and N by 2 and A by
4, so appear in Figure  10.1.1 as a trend-parallel arrow
pointing down to the left (see Sm-Nd inset). The compli-
cated decays of uranium ( 238 U and 235 U) and thorium ( 232 Th)
to different isotopes of lead ( 206 Pb, 207 Pb, 208 Pb) involve
multiple α and β decay steps (Box 3.3).
87 Rb, 40 K, 147 Sm, 232 Th, 235 U and 238 U are all long-lived,
naturally occurring radionuclides which are used exten-
sively in geochronology.
while 87 Sr increases with time in relation to other Sr
isotopes (Figure 10.1b). Radiogenic isotope systems
not only lie at the heart of geochronology, but also
shed important light on the provenance of igneous
magmas, metamorphic rocks and sediments.
Take care not to confuse radiogenic with
radioactive .
16 O and 18 O (18 − 16 = 2) is relatively large in com-
parison to their mean mass number (17) - with
consequent slight differences in quantitative chemical
parameters - the 18 O/ 16 O ratio is  fractionated to a
measurable extent by geological processes such as
crystallization and hydrothermal alteration. The
minute natural variations that are seen in this ratio
between minerals and fluids therefore serve as  a
useful tracer for detecting and quantifying such
Since their isotope ratios (e.g. 18 O/ 16 O and 34 S/ 32 S)
do not change with time, such systems are designated
stable isotope systems .
Stable isotope systems
The three isotopes of oxygen ( 16 O, 17 O and 18 O) are
neither radioactive nor radiogenic and so their rela-
tive proportions do not vary with time . Nonetheless,
because the difference in mass number A between
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