Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 1.4 (continued)
Species and
food type
Initial gas
Treatment prior to
Storage temperature (°C)
and storage period (days)
Treatment effect and shelf
life extension
Package material
( Asparagus
offi cinalis
L .)
1. BOPP fi lm used for control
with OTR: 1,500 and CO 2 TR:
3,280 mL/m 2 day atm.
Dipping in 100 ppm
Tsunami® 100
solution (peroxyacetic
acid-based additive—
an EPA-registered
antimicrobial water
additive) for 2 min
4 °C for 15 days
The shelf life of samples
stored in packages made
from the porous PP fi lm
had a shelf life of 29 days
(for the fi lms with the
windows of 15 and 30 %)
whereas control samples
stored in packages with the
BOPP fi lm had a shelf life
of <3 days
Chinsirikul et al.
( 2013 )
2. BOPP fi lm with breathable
windows made from beta-PP
fi lms with OTR: 2,659,000
and CO 2 TR: 2,014,000 mL/
m 2 day atm. of different sizes
(corresponding to 3 %, 6 %,
9 %, 12 %, 15 % and 30 % of
the total surface area of the
lidding fi lm)
( Asparagus
offi cinalis L )
var. UC-309
AMAP 8.15
kPa CO 2 /O 2
OPP bags of 35
m thickness
and OTR: 3,500 mL/
m 2 day atm.
Washing with
chlorinated water
containing 100 mg/L
Cl 2 or with ozonated
water at 0.1 mg/L O 3
4 °C for 28 days
Washing the samples with
antimicrobial agents
resulted in reduction of the
microbial load (almost 2
and 4.5 log CFU/g for
APC and E. coli ,
respectively). The shelf life
of pretreated samples
stored under MAP was
determined to be 23 days
Sothornvit and
( 2009 )
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