Environmental Engineering Reference
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knowledge of snow distribution is highly correlated with the snow-atmosphere
coupling strength. Conceptual models are proposed to explain the mechanisms
behind the timing and spatial distribution of snow-atmosphere coupling.
12.6 Summary
In summary, snow cover is an integral component of the earth climate system.
Observational studies have demonstrated strong snow impacts and interaction with
local weather and climate through both radiative and hydrological effects. The
satellite remote sensing provides an excellent method to observe the snow cover,
both in visible and passive microwave. The numerical simulations provide a
“virtual lab” to study snow-climate interaction. Numerical experiments illustrated
some key aspects of snow-atmosphere coupling behavior even though these
couplings and interactions are difficult to investigate by only observation-based
studies. Inspired by GLACE, Xu ( 2011 ) expand the GLACE-type experimental
framework to reveal snow-atmosphere coupling strength and its potential applica-
tion to short-range climate prediction.
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