Information Technology Reference
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Question 44
Answers are A, B, C, and D are correct. All of these keywords can be defined
in a profile. The install_type keyword must be defined and must be the
first entry in the profile file.
Question 45
Answer B is correct, because Intel clients typically obtain a bootable image
from a local disk or local CD-ROM. Only SPARC clients use TFTP to
obtain a bootable image. Therefore, answers A and C are incorrect. Intel
clients can be configured to use the Remote Program Load (RPL). The sub-
net has no impact on use of TFTP; therefore, answer D is incorrect.
Question 46
A matches 4, B matches 5, C matches 1, D matches 2, and E matches 3. The
layers of the TCP/IP Network Model from highest to lowest are as follows:
Application, Transport, Network, Data Link, and Physical.
Question 47
Answer A is correct. Only the read-only ( ro ) NFS mount option is required
to set up failover. Therefore, answers B, C and D are incorrect.
Question 48
root is the correct answer. The root= list command-line argument is used
to specify a list of clients that have root access.
Question 49
Answer B, C, and D are correct. The swap command is used to add, list, and
delete swap space. The mkfile command is used to create swap space.
Therefore, answer A is incorrect.
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