Information Technology Reference
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As previously described, the /net and /xfn entries reference built-in maps.
The /home entry references the indirect map /etc/auto_home , and the / entry
references the direct map /etc/auto_direct .
The -hosts built-in map uses the hosts database. The -xfn built-in map uses
resources shared through the Federated Naming Service (FNS).
Direct Maps
A direct map provides both mount point and NFS resources. Entries in a
direct map consist of three fields:
Key—The key is typically a full pathname that is to be used as a mount
Mount options—The mount options field contains zero or more (comma-
separated) NFS-specific mount options, as described in Table 15.3.
NFS resource—The NFS resource files takes the form server:file
system , which identifies a file system shared by the system server.
Because more than one NFS server might be providing the same
resource, multiple resources can be specified (separated by spaces). The
first available resource is used.
The following listing shows the contents of the /etc/auto_direct file that is
referenced in the /etc/auto_master file:
/usr/local/bin nfsserver:/usr/local/bin
/usr/games -ro nfsserver:/usr/games
In this example, the /usr/local/bin and /usr/games directories shared by
the host named nfsserver are mounted on the local system under mount
points using the same names.
The default name for the initial direct map is auto_direct .
Indirect Maps
An indirect map provides the remainder of the /etc/auto_master mount
point and identifies the NFS resource that should be mounted on the client.
Entries in an indirect map consist of three fields:
Key—The key is typically a directory that provides the remainder of the
mount point.
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