Information Technology Reference
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The -d command-line argument is used to delete ACL entries. The remain-
der of the mask and file command-line arguments are identical to those used
with the -s and -m command-line arguments.
Displaying ACLs Using getfacl
The ACLs for a file or directory can be displayed using the getfacl com-
mand. The following listing displays the ACLs for the shlog directory using
the getfacl command:
# getfacl shlog
# file: shlog
# owner: shlog
# group: staff
group::r-x #effective:r-x
When using the long version of the ls command, files that have ACLs are shown
with a + after the standard permissions, as with file3 in the following example:
# ls -l
total 2
drwxrwxrwt 2 ambro other 512 Jul 24 13:49 dir1
-rwsrwxr-x 1 ambro other 1112 Jul 24 13:53 file1
lrwxrwsr-x 1 ambro other 1112 Jul 24 13:53 file2
-rwxrwlrwx+ 1 ambro other 1112 Jul 24 13:53 file3
Purpose of Role-Based Access
In the past, Unix and Solaris system administration has been performed
using the root superuser account or a user account that's granted superuser
privileges. Even if access to only a few privileged operations or commands
were needed to perform a task, the user account was granted complete con-
trol over the system. This all-or-nothing approach to system administration
has always been a security issue. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
addresses this issue.
The RBAC subsystem supports the concept of a special type of user account
called a role . Roles are granted a set of superuser privileges to perform some
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