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Exam Prep Practice Questions
Question 1
Match the coreadm command-line arguments with their uses.
1. Sets global core filename pattern
2. Enables core file configuration
3. Disables core file configuration
4. Sets per-process core filename pattern
Answers: A matches 4; B matches 1; C matches 2; and D matches 3. Note
that the single character of the command-line argument matches the key-
word: e for enable, d for disable, g for global, and p for per-process.
Question 2
What is the swap command-line argument that will add a swap file to the sys-
tem swap space?
Answer A is correct. -d deletes a swap file from the system swap space; there-
fore, answer B is incorrect. -l lists the swap space partition and any swap
files; therefore, answer C is incorrect. -s lists statistics about swap space use;
therefore, answer D is incorrect.
Question 3
Enter the name of the coreadm configuration file.
The correct answer is /etc/coreadm.conf
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