Information Technology Reference
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Mounting and Unmounting File Systems
File systems are made accessible using the mount(1M) command. This com-
mand associates the file system with a subdirectory (called the mount point ) of
a currently mounted file system.
The mount command is typically called with two command-line arguments:
a logical block device name (partition) associated with a file system and a
mount point where the file system should be mounted. In addition, the -F
command-line can be specified to identify the type of file system being
mounted. Mounted file systems are listed in the /etc/mnttab file (unless the
-m command-line argument is specified). If the mount command is used with
no command-line arguments, all mounted file systems listed in the
/etc/mnttab file are displayed.
The mount command supports several options specified as command-line
arguments. One significant option is UFS large file support. By default, UFS
file systems support large files (greater than 2GB). This is the same as
specifying -o largefiles as a command-line argument. To disable large file
support, specify -o nolargefiles as a command-line argument to the mount
command. If this option is specified and a large file exists on the file system,
the mount will fail.
Table 7.6 lists the commonly used command-line arguments for the mount
Table 7.6
Selected mount Command-Line Arguments
-F type
Specify the type of file system (NFS, UFS, and so on)
Mount file system without making entry in /etc/mnttab .
Specify file system-specific options.
List mounted file systems (abbreviated listing).
Mount the file system read-only.
List mounted file system (verbose listing).
Multiple file system-specific options ( -o ) can be specified separated by com-
mas. Some of the frequently used UFS options are:
atime —Use normal access time recording (default).
intr —Allow keyboard interrupts to kill processes waiting on file system
I/O (default).
largefiles —Allow files larger than 2GB (default).
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