Information Technology Reference
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The new directory can be specified as a full or absolute pathname starting with
the root ( / ) directory or a partial or relative pathname starting at the current
working directory. The current directory can be referenced as a single dot ( . )
and the directory above the current directory, referred to as the parent direc-
tory, can be referenced using two dots ( .. ). For example:
$ pwd
$ cd ..
$ pwd
$ cd .
$ pwd
$ cd /export/home
$ pwd
Multiple parents in the same path can be referenced using ( .. ). For example:
$ pwd
$ cd ../..
$ pwd
The metacharacters ? and * can also be used to specify directory names.
Remember that ? can represent any single character and * can represent any
number of any character. Assuming that the home directory dla is the only
directory under /export/home that matches all of the metacharacter expres-
sions, all of the following commands will result in changing the current
working directory to /export/home/dla :
cd /export/home/dla
cd /export/home/dl?
cd /export/home/d?a
cd /export/home/d??
cd /export/home/?la
cd /export/home/?l?
cd /export/home/??a
cd /export/home/???
cd /export/home/*
cd /export/home/d*
cd /export/home/*a
cd /export/home/*l*
cd /export/home/?l*
Be certain to understand the meaning and use of the * , ? , and [ ] metacharacters
used to construct directory paths and filenames. Used separately or in combinations,
they can simplify specifying long complex pathnames or large sets of files.
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