Information Technology Reference
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The correct answer is B. Answers A and D are not valid file access modes.
Answer C shows setgid , and answer E shows the sticky bit set.
Question 9
The file test currently has the access mode 644. Which of the following will add
write access for the group owner? [Select all that apply.]
chmod test 664
chmod 664 test
chmod test g+w
chmod g+w test
The correct answers are B and D. Answers A and C do not follow the
correct syntax, because the mode should be specified first followed by the
Question 10
Match the following ls command-line arguments with their function.
A. -R
1. Displays directory names instead of directory contents.
2. Identifies file types using / , > , * , and @ characters.
3. Recursively lists contents of subdirectories.
D. -F
4. List file permissions, owner, group, size, and so on.
5. Lists directory/filenames that begin with a dot ( . ).
The correct answers are as follows: A matches 3 ( -R recursively lists directo-
ry contents), B matches 4 ( -l lists permission, owner, and so on), C matches
5 ( -a lists names beginning with . ), D matches 2 ( -F identifies file types), and
E matches 1 ( -d lists directory names).
Question 11
Enter the full path of the file that records the currently logged in users.
The correct answer is /var/adm/utmpx .
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