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Table 4.2
Command-Line Arguments for the ls Command (continued)
Lists i-node.
Lists file permissions, ACL indication, number of links, owner, group,
byte size, and last modification timestamp.
For symbolic links, lists referenced directory/file instead of the link.
Lists information across the page, separated by columns.
Lists file permissions, ACL indication, number of links, UID of owner,
GID of group, byte size, and last modification timestamp. Same as -l
except UID and GID are listed instead of owner and group.
Lists file permissions, ACL indication, number of links, owner, byte size,
and last modification timestamp. Same as -l except does not list group.
Marks directories with a trailing forward slash ( / ).
Uses the question mark ( ? ) for any non-printing characters in directo-
Reverses the order of sort (zyx…instead of abc…or oldest instead of
Recursively lists contents of subdirectories.
Lists size in blocks (including indirect blocks).
Sorts by modification time instead of alphabetically by directory/file.
When combined with -u , sorts by access time and when combined with
-c , sorts by i-node modification time.
Uses last access time for sorting and displaying.
Multi-column display sorted across the page instead of down the page.
Displays one directory/file per line.
The ls command supports a wide variety of command-line arguments to dis-
play and sort almost everything you would want to know about directories
and files.
The more important command-line options are -a , -d , -F , -l , -r , -R , -t and -1 . Be cer-
tain to understand the effect of these command-line arguments on the information
displayed by the ls command.
When using one of the long listing formats of the ls command ( -g , -l , -n ,
or -o ), the file permissions and additional information are displayed in the
first 11 characters of each directory/file entry displayed. Table 4.3 lists the
characters used in the first character of this file permission field.
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